80% rule for selection EC17 discussed during Vlissegem trial

The 80% rule was discussed during the Vlissegem trial. The Floor function is not really understood by some handlers.

The rounding by applying the floor function is described in wikipedia as (Wikipedia) :

"The floor function is also called the greatest integer or entier (French for "integer") function, and its value at x is called the integral part or integer part of x;"

We choose this rounding method in the trial regulation for 2017-2018 due to the fact that points are always linked to a full (entier) day and not a part of it. We can read in Art 2:

"…A total of 70% of the trial days for qualification is taken into account to select the Belgian team. This means that 0,7 of the trial days rounded with the floor function will be taken into account. In a season with 7 trial days, 0,7 X 7 = 4,9 days rounded back to 4 days will count for the final total. …"

further in Art 2 we read

"…..The percentage rule will be applied at the end of the season (The percentage rule has been defined at the beginning of the season and cannot be modified during the season.) This means that only the best results are taken into account. The target is 70%. For the season 2017 a percentage of 80% instead of 70% was decided. …."

I hope that the handlers are now convinced that the appliance of the 80% floor function is in line with the Trial regulation.