Percentages rule

The percentage rule works as follows (this is a theoretical representation to clarify the concept):

 Imagine a total of 15 trial days selected by the trial committee for a qualification with a percentage rule of 80%.

The trials that will be taken into account are the total number trial days multiplied with the percentage and rounded to the lower unit.

Starting point in this case is 15 trial days.

80% of 15 days are 15 * 0,8 = 12 trial days. A handler that participates to all the 15 trial days will not find his 3 worst results in the final total. 

Imagine a total of 13 trial days and a 90% rule.

90% of 13 qualification days are 13 * 0,9 = 11,7 rounded to the lowest unit being 11 trial days to take into account.

A handler that participated to all the trial days will not find his 2 worst results in the total.

A handler that participated to 12 trial days will not find his lowest result in the total. A handler that participated to 10 of the trial days will have all his scores totalised in the final total.